Caroline Rena

Caroline calls herself The Travelling Transformational Coach, Writer and Podcaster. She also writes poetry and serves as an Ordained Minister. 

She has been on her healing journey every day for 30+ years to break free from the belief systems, patterns and thoughts that bound her to a life of challenges from trauma to find peace within. In April 2021 she started a full deep dive into her Soul and it was just the beginning of the deepest part of this journey to find the truth of who she is. Growing through past traumas, old beliefs through grieving and learning to love and forgive herself has been the hardest thing she feels she has ever done. To love and lose is never easy, but what would life be if it wasn’t available to us.

She saw it in everyone she encountered, as human beings; the peace, love and joy we all hold inside that somehow gets locked up from years of conditioning and/or trauma. She had to learn to see it in herself first. To find self-acceptance and self-mastery through self-awareness. To know… really know, who she is and then, to lovingly guide and show others how to make that transition by modeling transcendence and living her truth as an authentic, objective and aware human being. The journey is certainly not over and there is always more to learn.

Through her podcast, The Ride of My Life, which takes you through her journey on or off the road, with the emotions and challenges life brings and how she is working through it, to her blog and poems, she has discovered what made her happy. Connection. Peace. Joy. Giving and receiving Love.

Through the simple process of just living her life and sharing her gifts of being uniquely herself, she allows the opportunity for others, as they watch, to do the same. We are not alone in suffering. We all experience it. As well, we are all beautiful beings and through her desire to share her journey and her healing through compassion and listening, it opens the door to the peace inside us all.

As a Highly Sensitive Person with a score of 26 out of 27 of the traits that Dr. Elaine Aron, who has been researching for 31 years and explains on her website, Caroline has a unique, compassionate approach with everyone she works with in shifting from outmoded beliefs to connecting with our true selves in order to serve our planet. 

“This is who I am and this is what I choose to share with the world, through my creativity, compassion and truth.”

Noel Neu, MS, LMHC

Through decades of both clinical practice and songwriting, Noel Neu has cultivated a deep understanding of human behavior and a distinct ability to process emotion through song. He sees many parallels between the two fields and has found ways to integrate them in his practice within his Open Heart Method (OHM).

Turned off by “talk therapy”? Give Noel’s Songwriting For Wellness a try and learn to communicate and process your emotions through original music creation. Want to learn more about your emotions through music as a listener? Visit the Music Medicine Cabinet to practice mindful listening and shift your mood.

With over 200 songs and 4 albums released on his own, Noel wants to continue connecting with people healing from trauma, through music.

Connecting to the Divine through Indivinity…

The name Indivinity is derived from a combination of thoughts, as an inspiration of going beyond the life we see around us and its challenges, into a soul-level experience. Finding that our true purpose is Being Within the Divine, knowing the Divine is Within us and the Divinity inside humanity.

We invite you to listen to the Healing Medicine Music, as you feel and feed your heart and soul that will bring the peace you are searching for in your life and to the planet.